I had my 36 week doctor appointment this AM. I'm going into it excited because I knew the doctor could guesstimate the size of the baby at this point, but wasn't prepared for all the 'stats'!
First, here are some pictures we took tonight.
The appointment started off with me only having a 1 pound weight gain in the past two weeks to bring me to 30 pounds up (probably because I was sick for most of it) and a good blood pressure of 108/60. She noticed some swelling in my ankles and legs, but not an alarming amount. Hopefully that means I won't wake up tomorrow morning with 'fat face'!
Now for the 'fun' / different news. I asked her if and when the baby 'dropped' during a second pregnancy and she said usually not. The baby usually stays high until labor the second time around for some reason. I was bummed because my rib cage could really use some relief. She felt around my belly and guesstimated that the baby is right around 7.5 pounds right now. Hopefully she is right because that means in three weeks when I have my planned C Section he'll be a great size! Once she preformed my exam my doctor actually thought he HAS indeed dropped down and the reason my rib cage hasn't gotten relief from the kicking is that he MAY be bigger or longer than originally expected. There is no way to really know, but those are her thoughts.
She also discovered that I am dilated to 1.5 and 70% effaced already!! That is NOT what I wanted to hear. Again, my doc can't predict if I'll stay this way for the next three weeks or if it means I'll be going into early labor. I can tell she was a little surprised at these 'stats' because I went 41 weeks with Chelsea. So, basically, I'm supposed to take it easy, not stress myself out and hope and pray Baby Boy Fisher stays put for the next three weeks. Easier said than done!
I do NOT want him coming early. There are so many benefits to the planned C Section. I want him to be as big and hearty as possible, we have Chelsea and the dogs to worry about if I do go into labor at an in opportune time, Chelsea JUST started crawling out of her crib so we need to get that situation figured out before someone can come watch her overnight, I'd prefer to have my normal doctor deliver baby fisher and REALLY REALLY don't want to go into labor again. Been there, done that and don't need to do it again!
Once I post this blog I plan to go eat some oreos, pack my bag, chelsea's bag, pull out and clean Chelsea's old infant carset and do some cleaning and organizing. Best case scenario is I'll have all this done and will be able to relax for the next three weeks and laugh about my freak out that I'm having today!
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