At night Tyler has a strong preference on how he gets put to bed. He likes it when I cradle him in my arms, put his head on my left bicep and is turned 'tummy to tummy'. Once I have him like this I play some music on my phone and dance around with him. He also has strong music preferences! Song of the South, Suds in a Bucket and I knew you were trouble are some that can instantly calm him. Interesting selections :)
Once I had him sleeping in my arms one night last week I transferred him and the music into his room. I sat on the rocking chair and kept rocking him for a couple more songs. Kelly Clarkson's "A moment Like this" came on. I was rocking him, he was sleeping and life felt so peaceful. The song definitely sparked some mushy thoughts and feelings within me. I feel so blessed to have 'moments like this' with my kids.
Not everyone is able to have children and experience the peaceful, happy joys that come along with raising them. Anyone who is a parent knows that there are no justifying words to describe the feeling of sharing your life with little ones. I look at Tyler and feel extra warm and fuzzy. Tyler is our last baby and he is growing up so fast. I am trying to enjoy every second with him. Before we know it he will be running around and causing ruckus with Chelsea and our baby boy will no longer be a baby.
Tyler is so darn adorable when he sleeps. Mommy's peaceful prince. OR - Major Hunk according to his shirt ;)
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