September 2015

September 2015
Blog for Ben, Trisha, Chelsea, Tyler & Mina!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Lots of fun pictures!

More phone pictures! 
Tyler is a very active, strong willed little man.  He is also a very cuddly, cute sweetie pie (well, when he chooses to be!)
Tyler likes crawling up on my bed and snuggling in.  Who can resist this face?!

As you all probably know already, Tyler's favorite food is Chinese noodles.  We went out to lunch after the club one day and he made a huge mess of himself and three separate groups of people came to talk to me about how cute he was.  I wonder if I would be as cute shoveling noodles in my mouth as him?!  Yeah, probably not.  

Chelsea and Tyler are best buds.  They were playing a game of shutting each other in a cabinet by the TV the other day and giggling uncontrollably!  

We went to the Loveland Family Reunion last weekend.  Most of my family on my dad's side live in Iowa.  I wish we could get together more often.  This is a very precious picture of my father and my grandmother (his mother).  

I've had my share of life altering stomach problems over the past couple of years.  Along with those stomach problems I've gone to more doctor appointments than I can count.  The last doctor put me on a Low Fod Map diet which didn't do a whole lot from me.  Plus it was a horribly difficult diet to follow, I felt like I wasn't eating mainly crap food while gaining a few pounds.  A no win situation. 
I've put myself back on a low allergen (the doctor's before the last one put me on that) diet.  I feel much better on this 'diet', feel healthier and am sure to drop those extra pounds quickly. 

With that said, I've gotten back into juicing in the mornings.  Chelsea LOVES helping me make my juice and was so excited when I brought the juicer back out :)

A picture of Tyler in prime form!

The kids and I went to my friend Kelly's house one afternoon last week to let the kids run in the backyard.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun together!  Tyler immediately found the biggest ball in the yard to play with :)


The simplest things can entertain a toddler :)  Yummy hose water!

A movie and coloring date with Chelsea in the basement

I took the kids to the Plymouth Lifetime Pool on Friday afternoon to go swimming. We can't get enough of this wonderful Minnesota summer weather!

Yesterday I went to hot yoga in the morning (kids played at the child center), we took the dogs on a walk after lunch, swam at the pool in the afternoon, and went on a walk after dinner.  We were pretty exhausted that night!

Tyler, once again, in prime form during a meal out.

I don't eat ice cream or frozen yogurt (darn milk allergy) so haven't ever thought to take the kids to a frozen yogurt shop.  I took them after naps one hot day a couple weeks ago and we will definitely go back!

Tyler was sitting like a good boy in the booth.  I should've known it was too good to be true!

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