September 2015

September 2015
Blog for Ben, Trisha, Chelsea, Tyler & Mina!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My baby isn't a baby anymore!

If you can't tell from my past few blogs, Chelsea just turned 1!  It's really sunk in that she is an entire year old.  Where does time go?!  She is running around, she is off the bottle, doesn't drink formula anymore, eats mainly finger foods and basically puts herself to sleep.   I can barely remember the time when she needed me to feed her, rock her to sleep and couldn't even roll over.  Maybe that is why some people have LOTS of babies!

She has learned SO much this past month and it's really difficult to put into words.  She points at everything, her speech is more deliberate and not so "screamy", she didn't even flinch when I replaced her bottles with sippy's, she can stack blocks, ride on her little princess cart, sit on a kid picnic table, loves sliding down her slide, plays in the dogs water and food dishes obsessively, plays in the toilets, pushes her high chair all around the kitchen, eats pretty much whatever i put in front of her, puts her hands up when I say touchdown, blows kisses,  points at the pages in the books we read to her, etc. etc. etc!!  wow - 6 months ago I was happy when the big news was that she started crawling :-)

This journey of motherhood has been the most amazing journey.  I sincerely hope that everyone (who wants it) has the chance to experience this joy.  Chelsea has taught me so much.  Just being this beautiful little being's mom has opened my eyes to true and unconditional love.  I've learned what really matters in life, what is really important, I've found out who is in my life for the long haul, I've made some wonderful new friends, I've developed a tad bit of patience (and those of you who really know me know that patience isn't my strong suit), I've learned how to use a glue gun (and again, those of you who really know me know I am NOT crafty), I've exchanged my fancy purses for a diaper bag and rather shop for Chelsea than for myself.  I could go on and on...

I appreciate all of you (and hopefully you know who you are... opening up is yet another "not strong suit" of mine!) who have supported me thru this wonderful, yet challenging journey.  sometimes just a friendly email or an invite I wasn't expecting does wonders. 

I will wrap this up with her doctor's appointment today.  As Ben put it "she could've won an oscar for her performance" during her doctor's appointment.  I've NEVER seen my baby scream so loudly and so dramatically in my entire life.  she was not a happy camper getting her finger pricked, getting her check up and her vaccinations.  Basically, she gave the doctor (who is wonderful!) the stank eye the entire 30 minutes.  Chelsea is in the 75% for height and 50% for weight.  It's so weird to me how a baby can come out at the 95% for height and 100 +% for weight and now be so "small."  The doctor reassured me that she looks great and is healthy healthy healthy!

I tried taking pictures of her today in a 1 year onsie.  Pictures are way more difficult now that she is so mobile.  A few are posted below :)

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