September 2015

September 2015
Blog for Ben, Trisha, Chelsea, Tyler & Mina!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Babyproofing the house??? Impossible!

I am slowly learning that trying to do pretty much anything in the house while Chelsea is awake nowadays takes 20x longer than it used to!  She is ALL OVER the place!  She crawls VERY fast, she pulls herself up an EVERYTHING, she tries to stand all by herself in the middle of the floor (which makes me extremely nervous when she decides to crawl onto our hardwood floors and do this), she loves trying to climb up the walls of the house, she is trying to crawl up the fireplace and loves to climb up and into the floor level windows.  I'm slowly learning no matter how much a person tries to baby proof their home there are still a zillion things an active baby can hurt herself on.  With that said we are constantly chasing after her and putting her in more "appropriate" locations. I'm exhausted just typing all that!

I have finally decided that we are going to move downstairs for the majority of our day hours when we are at home. There are no hardwood floors downstairs and there isn't AS much that she can get hurt on.  Her playroom is also down there so it's the most logical place to be with our 'crazy' baby!  The downfall of leaving the upstairs for the majority of the day is that I won't get as much done around the house, the kitchen is upstairs and most of my TV shows are recording on the DVR upstairs:(   Hopefully Ben understands when my housekeeping skills start lacking a bit.  I did order a baby play pen this week to put in the living room upstairs when I absolutely need to get something done or am cooking dinner.  It's about 34 square feet of safe, enclosed space.  Too bad I didn't have it rush delivered!

Here are a few pictures of Chelsea trying to help me out with the laundry today.  I took the first pictures (where she is standing) and then set the camera down, left the room for two minutes and came back to find her with the laundry basket tipped over and she was playing in all of her clean clothes! Note to self:  Do NOT leave the baby in the same room as the laundry basket unsupervised! :-)

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