September 2015

September 2015
Blog for Ben, Trisha, Chelsea, Tyler & Mina!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

30 weeks!

I had my 30 week doctor's appointment today and, like usual, it was pretty boring :-)  Boring is always good in terms of pregnancy doctor's appointments.  My blood pressure was at 90 / 58 and weight gain is at 24 pounds.  My blood pressure is always low so no surprise there and I'm also happy with the 24 pound weight gain so far.  I'm on track to gain less than 35 (knock on wood!) unless i experience a ton of water weight later on. 

Over the past two weeks I've really been gravitating towards empty calorie carbohydrate filled foods.  Bread products, cookies, french fries and potatoes are my favorites.  Thank goodness for my daily herbalife shake in getting lots of nutrients since my eating hasn't been very 'clean' as of late!

I've experienced less back pains in the past two weeks than I had been previously in the pregnancy.  I have no clue why, but I'm definitely not complaining.  Great efforts have been taken to lift Chelsea less and make her walk more.  I'm also forcing myself to lay down and nap / read (instead of cleaning or stressing my body out) while Chelsea naps during the day.  Going to the chiropractor once a week can't hurt either!  Besides lots of heartburn, sluggishness and being constantly tired I don't have any big complaints.  I am considering myself lucky to be able to say this at 30 weeks pregnant :-)

I can't believe baby boy Fisher will be here in 9 weeks!  I'm experiencing lots of different emotions at this point.  Half of me is so excited to meet him, to see that he is indeed healthy, to see if he'll be as big as his sister was and to wrap him up in my arms.  The other half is very nervous and worried about Chelsea.  Since I stay home with Chelsea she and I are almost always together. She is like an extension of my body and it's rare if I go anywhere without her.  I'm also worried that she won't handle Baby Fisher coming home to well.  She is so used to being the center of attention and being on the go so much that the shock of what's to come will be huge.  Chelsea will no longer be the center of attention and we will definitely be pretty home bound for the first few months.  Taking two kiddos under the age of two out after a c section doesn't sound like a fun time to me :-(

Ben took some pictures of me on Sunday morning.  I was getting ready for a walk with a friend so work out clothes it is for my 30 week pictures!

Molly wanted her picture taken!

so did chelsea!

Chelsea refused to come over and point at mama's baby, but Molly took her place!

Mama's beautiful, stubborn little girl

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