September 2015

September 2015
Blog for Ben, Trisha, Chelsea, Tyler & Mina!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Growing up so fast!!!

Now that Tyler is one we have flipped his car seat around!  It's so nice to be able to see him and for him to see us!

 His first car ride facing forwards!

We went to the Mall of America on Sunday afternoon and let Tyler walk around for a bit.  There isn't much cuter than watching a baby walk around in a big mall! I highly recommend it :)

Zoom Zoom!

Unfortunately, the only time tyler was happy at the mall was when we let him walk around.  He was overly fussy and we ended up having to leave earlier than we wanted to because we couldn't handle him anymore.  We thought he needed a nap so decided to drive to Rush Creek to eat dinner (instead of eating at the mall) to give him a chance to nap.  Once we got to Rush Creek he was STILL overly fussy.  We ended up getting our food to go and went home. 
Poor little Tyler was NOT feeling well.  He had problems sleeping Sunday night and only wanted to sleep on daddy.  He even woke up a couple times over night which is unheard of.  Tyler hasn't once woken up after being put to bed since he was 2 months old.

I took Tyler to urgent care right when it opened Monday morning.  He had a double ear infection, irritated throat, respiratory virus and all four molars are right below the surface!!!!  The doctor said he's been hit with a quadruple whammy!  Poor little guy.  We drove straight to Target to fill his prescription.  He wasn't very happy about being out and about.  

Tyler still had an appetite for lunch Monday.  I'm impressed!

We laid low both Monday and Tuesday since Tyler was so sick.  Being that we were home so much we did a lot of art and crafts.  Chelsea decided that she wanted to mix all her playdoh colors into one big ball!  my shopping list:  new playdoh!

Chelsea also made me an impressive play doh flower and demanded that I put it into a 'vase' 

Tyler even got to play with some play doh!

arts and crafts time!

Tyler loves Kit Kat bars.  I thought I'd spoil him and give him one since he was feeling so lousy.  He did enjoy it, but had trouble swallowing it since his throat was so irritated :(


I was desperate to keep Tyler happy all day on Monday since he was so irritable.  I gave him a bowl full of noodles from a can of chicken noodle soup to play with.  This is incredibly abnormal for me since I try and keep everything as clean as possible with two little ones in the house.  A baby plus a bowl of noodles and a spoon is a recipe for fat dogs!
 I would've done just about anything to keep him happy!

I was very surprised that he was fairly delicate with his bowl.

Happy boy!

I took the next three pictures on Tuesday morning during breakfast.  He was starting to feel a tad bit better on Tuesday.  Thank goodness since it was his birthday!  My baby boy is now 1!!!  My baby is no longer a baby.  Some days go slow, but man, the years fly!

Happy 1st Birthday Mr. Tyler!

We decided to get a jump start on Tyler's Birthday thank you cards!  I put paint on his hands and handed him blank white cards to decorate.  He mainly grabbed the cards and banged and slid them on his highchair table. 
Chelsea was very helpful and enjoyed cleaning up tyler with wipes.

MOM!  Tell her to stop cleaning my face!

Chelsea is my little copy cat.  I was wearing a hairband in my hair so she had to wear a hairband.  She was very proud of it!

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